Why Does Learning Abroad Increase Employability?

June 2024

Why Does Learning Abroad Increase Employability? 

In today’s interconnected world, the role of an international experience in boosting employability cannot be overstated. According to the Institute for the International Education of Students (IES), 90% of students who undertook a learning abroad experience during university, secured employment within six months of graduation, compared to only 49% of their peers who stayed home. Whether through study programs, internships, volunteering, or cultural exchanges, stepping beyond one’s national borders offers a myriad of advantages that extend well beyond academic achievement.

Skill Acquisition and Development

One of the most significant benefits of an international experience is the acquisition and refinement of a diverse skill set. According to the World Economic Forum Future of Jobs Report (2020), employers rated critical thinking and analysis, problem-solving, and self-management as the most critical skills for the global workforce moving into 2025. Being immersed in a different cultural and linguistic environment fosters such traits. Additionally, exposure to varied educational systems and learning approaches broadens intellectual horizons and stimulates creativity and innovation. A study by SIT (School for International Training) of their program alumni found that 72% reported that their learning abroad experience significantly impacted their career choices and helped when applying for jobs.

Global Mindset and Cultural Competency

Moreover, international experiences provide abundant opportunities for networking and professional growth. According to the British Council, 64% of employers consider international experience crucial in recruitment decisions. Engaging with local communities, peers, professionals, and mentors abroad expands one’s professional network and unveils new career prospects. Internships, volunteer work, and collaborative projects undertaken during international experiences offer invaluable hands-on experience and allow individuals to showcase their skills, initiative, and cultural adaptability to potential employers.

Networking and Professional Development

Employers often regard international experience as a strong indicator of adaptability, resilience, and a willingness to step out of one’s comfort zone. Including such experiences on a resume can elevate a candidate’s profile and underscore their commitment to personal and professional growth. Whether aiming for positions in multinational corporations, international organisations, or locally-focused companies with a global outlook, individuals with international exposure often enjoy a competitive edge in today’s job market. The Institute for International Education of Students (IES) conducted a survey on the long-term impact of learning abroad, revealing compelling findings:

  • 95% of students reported increased maturity.
  • 96% experienced heightened self-confidence.
  • 95% said their worldview had been permanently altered.

A Real World Example

A recent article by the Education Times tells the story of Sanjoli Bannerjee, a 24-year-old student at the University of Wollongong (UoW), Australia, who epitomises the transformative power of international education. Born and raised in Haryana, India, Sanjoli’s journey has been marked by activism and a commitment to driving social change. Pursuing a Master of Social Work (MSW) at UoW, she aspires to contribute significantly to health and community services in India and beyond. Despite her academic pursuits, Sanjoli remains deeply engaged in activism, addressing issues such as mental health and menstrual hygiene. As a student representative at UoW, she continues to advocate for social causes and encourages fellow students to embrace opportunities for personal growth and community engagement—a testament to the lasting impact of learning abroad.


Ultimately, the evidence overwhelmingly supports the notion that international experiences enhance employability. Beyond academic credentials, such experiences equip individuals with a diverse skill set, a global mindset, cultural competency, and invaluable professional connections. As the world grows increasingly interconnected, employers place a premium on these attributes when seeking to hire talent. Therefore, individuals who seize the opportunity to pursue international experiences not only enrich their personal and academic lives but also enhance their prospects for career success in today’s globalised world.

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