The Global Investment of Learning Abroad

March 2024

The Global Investment of Learning Abroad

International education can develop substantial academic, professional and personal skills. This article explores financial strategies for funding learning abroad, along with empirical evidence highlighting non-monetary considerations. Aside from professional and personal development, Australian university staff who support engagement in student international education are also contributing to the global knowledge exchange.

The New Colombo Plan (NCP), a flagship initiative of the Australian Government, has served as a beacon of support, facilitating learning abroad opportunities in the Indo-Pacific region and fostering international collaboration. The NCP’s commitment to strengthening ties between Australia and the Asia Pacific region is commendable. For those who haven’t secured NCP specific funding this year, there are alternative avenues to explore. Opportunities abound for enriching international experiences, ensuring that the spirit of global engagement remains vibrant within our academic community.

Alternative Academic Funding Sources for Staff:

  1. University-Specific Grants: Many Australian universities offer grants and scholarships, tailored to support academic staff in pursuing international ventures. These programs often align with the university’s global engagement strategy and may encompass teaching, research, or professional development opportunities.
  2. Discipline-Specific Funding: Investigate funding opportunities within your specific academic discipline. Many professional associations and industry bodies offer grants to support research, conferences, and collaborative projects. These sources can be valuable for academics looking to broaden their international networks and contribute to their field on a global scale.
  3. International Research Collaborations: Collaborate with international partners on research projects. Seek external funding for joint initiatives that align with your academic pursuits. Engaging in collaborative research not only opens doors for international experiences but also enhances the impact of your work on a global scale.
  4. OS-HELP: For staff looking to coordinate a customised programs and are concerned about students funding, OS-HELP is a great NCP alternative that can cover a range of expenses, including airfare, accommodation, and other study-related costs, providing valuable financial support. Learn more about OS-HELP here. 
  5. Off-the-Shelf Opportunities with CISaustralia: While considering alternatives, explore short-term study and work-integrated learning programs with organisations like CISaustralia. Our programs offer unique experiences that align with academic and professional interests, with minimal administrative support required from University staff. Scholarships are available, making these programs accessible and enriching.

Funding Strategies for Students:

  1. Scholarships and Grants: According to a 2021 report by the Institute of International Education (IIE), 65% of international students relied on scholarships and grants as a primary source of funding. The existence of diverse scholarship programs encourages and supports students in their quest for global education. At CISaustralia, we continually aim to provide scholarship opportunities to help students travel their dreams. For our upcoming July Study programs, we have three scholarship opportunities available ranging from A$500 to A$1,000.
  2. Financial Aid and Loans (OS-HELP): Data from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) reveals that in 2020, 38% of international students utilised financial aid and loans to fund their education. Favorable terms, such as low-interest rates, contribute to making international education financially feasible for a broader demographic. We are pleased to note that in 2023, 95% of all CISaustralia programs were completely funded by OS-HELP! We continue to price our programs in an accessible way for students to learn abroad. In 2024 there is over A$10,000 available for students to access. Learn more about OS-HELP here.

Benefits of Learning Abroad:

  1. Cultural Immersion: A meta-analysis of studies published in the Journal of Intercultural Communication Research demonstrates that cultural immersion significantly enhances adaptability, cultural awareness, and cross-cultural communication skills, ultimately contributing to a more interconnected global society.
  2. Language Proficiency: The European Commission’s Eurydice Network reports that international students who immerse themselves in foreign language environments show a 20% greater improvement in language proficiency compared to those solely relying on traditional language education methods.
  3. Academic Excellence: Statistics from the QS World University Rankings reveal that students engaged in learning abroad programs are 13% more likely to experience academic excellence, as measured by access to cutting-edge research, innovative teaching methodologies, and distinguished faculty.
  4. Global Networking: A longitudinal study conducted by the International Education Association of Australia (IEAA) indicates that 80% of international students maintain global networks established during their studies, leading to enhanced career prospects and exposure to diverse professional opportunities.
  5. Personal Growth: Empirical evidence gathered from a decade-long research project published in the Journal of Research in International Education underscores the significant personal growth experienced by students learning abroad, with findings showing a 25% increase in self-efficacy and adaptability.

Learning abroad pays off with tangible benefits. Various funding options, like scholarships and work-study programs, help manage costs. Empirical data on cultural immersion, language skills, academic success, global networking, and personal growth reveals that international education goes beyond academics, molding individuals for success in our interconnected world – highlighting the significant return students gain on their learning abroad investment.

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