Business and Law Courses

Study abroad in Business or Law and set yourself apart. Expand your horizons while enhancing your resume. An increasing amount of employers prefer applicants with overseas experience. Globalise your degree by taking courses abroad in Accounting, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Hospitality, Legal Studies, Management, Marketing, Tourism and much more!
Program Types:
  • January Study
  • July Study
  • Language Study
  • Australia
  • Cambodia
  • Canada
  • China & Hong Kong
  • Costa Rica
  • England
  • Fiji
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • Nepal
  • Netherlands
  • New Zealand
  • Peru
  • Philippines
  • Scotland
  • Singapore
  • South Africa
  • Spain
  • Tanzania
  • Thailand
  • USA
  • Zambia
Area of Study:
  • Business and Law
    • Accounting and Finance
    • Economics
    • Hospitality, Tourism and Culinary Arts
    • International Business and Entrepreneurship
    • Law, Legal Studies and Criminal Justice
    • Management and Human Resources
    • Marketing and Advertising

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Available Courses by Program
CREDITS: 15 points

Basic principles and concepts of accounting that underlie the production of information for internal and external reporting. This course provides the technical platform for second year courses in financial and management accounting, finance, and accounting information systems.

CREDITS: 10 points

The history, philosophy and ethics of humanity’s treatment of animals; relevant legislation and case law. Topics include: the development of the humane movement; consideration of whether all animals should be treated as property and the justification for such an approach; the development of animal protection legislation and what it does for animals; and the emergence of a concept of Animal Rights; the use of animals in farming, entertainment, research, and in a companion animal context; enforcement and sentencing of animal welfare offending; and international trends and developments in animal law.

CREDITS: 15 points

Business on a global scale presents unique challenges and unrivalled opportunities to companies equipped to cross national boundaries. Set against a background of current events, the course explores the influence of international trade and multinational corporations on the contemporary global economy.

CREDITS: 15 points

A practical course in the statistical analysis of data. There is a heavy emphasis in this course on the interpretation and communication of statistical findings. Topics such as exploratory data analysis, the analysis of linear models including two-way analysis of variance, experimental design and multiple regression, the analysis of contingency table data including logistic regression, the analysis of time series data, and model selection will be covered.

CREDITS: 15 points

Explores how information systems and analytical tools help organisations to innovate, optimise and deliver value. Examines how the development and implementation of systems and technologies coordinate and manage information, people, and processes within data governance and privacy frameworks.

CREDITS: 15 points

Focuses on practical aspects of corporate finance. Topics covered include: concepts of value creation, risk and required rates of return, financial maths, capital budgeting, capital structure and dividend policies.

CREDITS: 15 Points

Develops an understanding of the role of business in a rapidly changing national and international context. Focuses on factors impacting success and value creation including effective management and leadership, understanding customers, innovation and product development, financial and accounting practices, and strategic planning and decision-making.

CREDITS: 10 points

An examination of the law and the policy considerations that relate to residential housing including: the historical development and current state of residential tenancy protection legislation; the relationship between social policy and housing regulation; human rights and social equity considerations; economic measures to achieve government policy objectives for housing; regulating the private rental market; property rights and security of tenure issues; ‘consumer protection’ measures to ensure safe and habitable housing; housing and natural disasters; retirement housing; new forms of housing ownership; and dispute resolution.

CREDITS: 15 points

Taught by Justice Susan Lamb, Supreme Court of Belize, students will be able to learn directly from an internationally-recognised criminal and humanitarian law expert. A Rhodes Scholar, Susan brings to this course her significant expertise in international criminal law, criminal justice, and the law of armed conflict. You will consider the work of the various boards, units, tribunals, and justice systems which are establish to try perpetrators of genocide and war crimes in fragile and conflict-affected states, including those tackling atrocity crimes in Syria, Iraq and other conflict zones.

This course will draw on several case-studies from the International Criminal Court, as well as other International Criminal Tribunals, including those for the Former Yugoslavia, Rwanda and Cambodia. It will also make reference to a number of contemporary situations, such as the conflict in Ukraine.

CREDITS: 15 points

Focuses on the critical role and importance of information in marketing. Covers the fundamental concepts of marketing research in traditional and digital environments and examines how these can be used to assist companies in their decision-making.

CREDITS: 15 points

Analysis of issues that affect our daily lives, including pricing decisions by firms and their impact on our cost of living; game theory and strategic decision-making; tackling problems of pollution and global warming; and how governments use monetary and fiscal policies to stimulate economic growth and address unemployment and inequality.

Prerequisite: BUSINESS 115 or ECON 151 or 16 credits in NCEA Level 3 Economics with a Merit average including standard 91399 (Demonstrate understanding of the efficiency of market equilibrium), or a scholarship pass in Economics, or B grade in CIE Economics or 4 out of 7 in Economics (HL) in IB

CREDITS: 15 points

The standard Stage I Statistics course for the Faculty of Business and Economics or for Arts students taking Economics courses. Its syllabus is as for STATS 101, but it places more emphasis on examples from commerce.

CREDITS: 15 points

Examines the processes of formulating and implementing strategies, and the critical thinking behind the multifaceted role of organisations in complex business environments. Focuses on strategy issues in and between a range of commercial and public organisations, from entrepreneurial firms to multinational corporations.

CREDITS: 15 points

Models of work organisation, reform and performance, including industrial and post-industrial forms of work. Employee responses to work and the employment relationship. Workforce diversity.

CREDITS: 15 points

Economics affects our daily lives and the global environment in many ways. Through the media we are constantly made aware of price increases, interest rate changes, exchange rate movements and balance of payments problems, growth and recessions, standard of living comparisons, regional trading agreements. What does it all mean and how does it all work?

CREDITS: 3 US credits / 45 contact hours
OFFERED: January / July Sessions: 1, 3, A, B

This course addresses the procedures involved in managing a fashion retail enterprise and the decision-making inherent in successful merchandising for smaller-scale stores. Knowledge will be acquired through lab practice gained by running a real enterprise in which students and professionals exchange their knowledge and propose successful solutions to be applied. Coursework includes site visits to well-known Italian luxury brands in Florence such as Ferragamo, Gucci, and Cavalli (companies may change according to availability), and special guest lectures from local prominent emerging designers.

CREDITS: 3 US credits / 45 contact hours
OFFERED: January / July Sessions: 3, B

The front of house area of any restaurant should be carefully planned in order to balance ambiance with function. Restaurant seating, wait stations, and waiting areas are just a few of the areas to consider when planning a restaurant dining room. The course focuses on all aspects that characterize the front of the house experience. Emphasis is placed on the importance of the front of the house to properly reflect the restaurant concept and the necessity of planning front of the house spaces for efficiency. Furthermore, the course considers the pivotal role of excellent customer service and the training methods of front of the house staff.

CREDITS: 3 US credits / 45 contact hours
OFFERED: January

Pre-requisite: Introduction to Marketing or equivalent

This course further develops the main principles of marketing by exploring the strategic implications of marketing in different countries and cultures and identifying specific marketing techniques and the modifications necessary to accommodate cultural differences. Topics include global marketing, marketing planning, segmentation, culture and business customs, political and legal factors and restraints, economic and technological development, and the international monetary system. 

CREDITS: 7.5 ECTS credits / 36 contact hours

Prerequisite: a background in law

The environment knows no boundaries, while national legal systems do. It is therefore of the utmost importance to develop international law approaches in order to deal with transboundary and global environmental problems. While environmental law originally focused on local problems like smoke and noise, today we are confronted with transboundary and global environmental problems like the continuing loss of biodiversity, long-distance air-pollution, and the threat of climate change. The conservation of important nature, the sound condition of air, water and soil, and the environmental safety of products and economic activities are core concerns.

Law serves as an important instrument to improve and protect the environment. The course International Environmental Law (IEL) discusses the role of international law – and the emerging body of global environmental law – in order to protect the environment. It takes a fundamental approach which means that we will examine environmental law from the perspective of principles, environmental rights, and the choice and design of regulatory instruments. Both strengths and, unfortunately, weaknesses will be discussed. As far as international law falling short, the importance of national approaches and private initiatives will be addressed. Some specific attention will go to the European Union as a regional international organisation addressing, inter alia, environmental problems. The world-wide problem of climate change serves as the leading case of this course.

This intensive course includes two course related field trips to Brussels and The Hague.

CREDITS: 3 US Credits/ 45 Contact Hours
OFFERED: January

This course is going to articulate best practices in data visualization, like developing and interpreting a wide range of charts and graphs in Tableau. The students will practice Tableau through different business contexts, the datasets are all from the real world. And more importantly, the student will demonstrate an ability to verbally communicate persuasive, data-driven business insights supported by Tableau visualizations.


  Contact CISaustralia For Syllabus
CREDITS: 3 US Credits/ 45 Contact Hours
OFFERED: January

The health care and health insurance industries provide interesting case studies both on how markets can supply important goods and services and also the inherent problems associated with relying solely upon market provision for those goods and services. Over the course of the semester, we will examine models of asymmetric information, externalities, and market power to understand issues as diverse as pharmaceutical patenting and pricing, antibiotic resistance, Medicaid/Medicare, and “Obama-care”


CREDITS: 3 US Credits/ 45 Contact Hours
OFFERED: January

Public Finance studies the subset of public (government) policies that are fiscal in nature. Such policies include government taxation, expenditures, and debt. The objective of this course is to provide the conceptual foundation using microeconomic theory to understand the economic impacts of fiscal policies. This course will mainly focus on the federal (national) government, but many of the analyses are directly applicable to state, regional, and local governments as well.

PREREQUISITES: ECON-101 – Must be completed prior to taking this course.

CREDITS: 3 CAD credits

This course covers core theory and practice in the emerging field of Forensic Psychology. Forensic Psychology refers broadly to the research and application of psychological knowledge to the legal system. Students will be exposed to a breadth of topics including eyewitness memory, profiling, lie detection and confessions, jury selection and decision making, competency and criminal responsibility, and risk assessment. A minimum of 2 guest lecturers will present to the class.

Students will participate in a number of relevant field trips and activities focusing on the many elements related to Forensic Psychology. Half-day trips and activities include visits to the Nanaimo branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), the Nanaimo Correctional Centre and Guthrie Therapeutic Community and the Edgewood Treatment Centre.

This course is jointly administered by the VIU Faculty of International Education and the VIU Department of Psychology within the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. Students will be provided with a total of 42 hours of direct Psychology instruction (including guest lectures) and a number of related field trips and activities. Upon successful completion, students will receive a certificate of completion and will be awarded 3 CAD credits by VIU.

Prerequisite: One of PSYC 204, CRIM 220, or SOCI 250

CREDITS: 3 US credits / 45 contact hours

This course will examine various aspects of the relationship between food, culture and society in the Mediterranean basin, where eating is not a simple act of survival but rather a cultural and social activity. Looking at the local culture through the lens of food allows us to discover and understand social constructs, values and even the history of Europe, from ancient Greece to the great chefs of the 21st century such as Ferran Adrià. Through this we will discover the similarities and differences between how the Spanish, Italian and Greece societies work.

In this course we offer a cross-cultural perspective that will focus on history, anthropology, sociology, literature, gastronomy and the business that works behind the food industry.

CREDITS: 3 US credits / 45 contact hours

International marketing is more than a simple application of marketing principles to more than one country. In a world that becomes increasingly globalised, marketing strategies become absolutely essential. Both global and international marketing are attached to each other. On one hand, international marketing involves the firm in making one or more marketing mix decisions across national boundaries. On the other hand, global marketing involves the firm in establishing manufacturing facilities overseas and coordinating marketing strategies across the globe. Cross-cultural differences have an important role in both internal and external ways.

This course provides the knowledge of the fundamental concepts of international marketing from a European perspective. It is organised so that each class is either a lecture or a case discussion. In this course you will learn to look at international marketing problems through the lens of an analytical framework.

CREDITS: 3 US credits / 45 contact hours
OFFERED: July Sessions: 2, A

Italian destination cities immediately conjure up images of the art, food, fashion, wine, and culture in which their fame lies: fashion shows and La Scala in Milan, Renaissance art in Florence, Brunello wine in Montalcino, the Biennale and Carnevale in Venice. This course will explore how creative advertising strategies have been produced and implemented, their effect on city identity, the proliferation of creative areas in destination cities, and the future of creativity and creative marketing. Case studies of both well-established metropolises and developing destinations will be examined.

CREDITS: 3 US credits / 45 contact hours
OFFERED: July Sessions: 4, B

Pre-requisite: Baking Techniques I or equivalent.

This course offers an advanced approach to pastry production with a survey of the main preparation techniques used in classic dessert production. Starting from previously acquired knowledge students will develop their skills in the production of pastry and pie doughs and they will be introduced to an advanced level of sponge cake recipes. The course will also introduce puff pastry, baked custards, buttercream, sauces and glazes. Soufflés, Bavarian mousse and pâte à bombe-based mousse will be thoroughly covered. Students will learn to use basic finishing methods by applying glazes, filling pastries, creating simple sauces and presenting products for service.

CREDITS: 3 US credits / 45 contact hours
OFFERED: July Sessions: 3, B

This course introduces students to baking and pastry fundamentals through an analysis of the features and functions of the main pastry ingredients. The course starts with a complete overview of eggs, flour, fats, sugar, and dairy products in order to create a basis on which all future courses will develop. Students will approach the basic mixing and cooking methods in order to understand the baking process with all its possible variations. Special emphasis will be placed on short crust pastry, pate choux, enriched dough, and stirred custards. Upon successful completion of the course, students will gain confidence in the production of sponge cake, pound cake, pastry and English cream, and basic short crust dough. Students will be able to describe and produce the main meringues.

Chef uniform (white chef jacket, chef pants, white apron, white chef hat, kitchen safety shoes) required for this course.

CREDITS: 3 US credits / 45 contact hours
OFFERED: July Sessions: 2, A

Since ancient times bread has had a significance that goes beyond mere sustenance. Almost every society in the world eats bread in some form and bread has always been considered a symbol of life for all mankind. Bread celebrates life and plays a leading role in traditional celebrations and festivities. This course focuses on traditional Italian specialty breads, made with special, or alternative flours, shaped by local folklore and passed down from generation to generation like the most precious gift. Students will be introduced to natural yeast production and learn how to keep the yeast alive and strengthen it for better leavening as well as the nutritional advantages and flavor development thanks to its use. The course offers a complete survey of traditional specialty breads, specialty flatbreads, sweet breads and rolls with an emphasis on old grain flour, alternative flours and local folklore. In addition to this students will be introduced to special diet baking through lessons on gluten free bread and complements. A special focus is dedicated to Italy’s most famous baked product, pizza: through an in-depth analysis pizza will be explained and enjoyed in all its most popular variations.

CREDITS: 3 US credits / 45 contact hours
OFFERED: July Sessions: B

This course offers students a combination of two original approaches to Bernardo Buontalenti: discovering the artistic contribution of a genius in Florence’s 16th century intellectual scene, and learning the cultural, political and scientific background that led to the creation of modern ice cream (gelato). The lessons will range from Buontalenti’s childhood at the Medici court to his artistic training spanning the analysis of his Florentine works (ephemeral installations for spectacular events, theatrical sets, and costumes), masterpieces of sculpture, architecture, and monumental gardens. Buontalenti’s eclectic genius also involved the creation of the first ice cream machine. Students will learn about the various production techniques and genesis of sorbet, granita, and gelato from both a historical and technical point of view. Coursework will be organized through a series of practical workshops on various types of frozen desserts, lectures focusing on the artistic works of Buontalenti, and guided visits of major works by Buontalenti in Florence. Visits will include specialized tastings at select artisanal laboratories in Florence. This class includes experiential learning with CEMI.

CREDITS: 3 US credits / 45 contact hours
OFFERED: July Sessions: 4, B

Pre-requisite: Baking Techniques I or equivalent.

This course will give students knowledge of the fundamentals of chocolate starting from an understanding of the ingredient, its history and evolution throughout centuries. The course will cover the chocolate production process from harvest to the finished product, and will focus on the composition of chocolate in all its different types: dark, milk and white. Students will understand the differences between different cocoa percentage in chocolate and their suitable applications in pastry. Emphasis will be placed on basic chocolate tempering techniques, on chocolate bar production, and on the application of special molds for simple pralines and small centerpiece production. The course will also focus on the use of chocolate to create different ganaches, including matching them with the suitable type of pralines or desserts. Students will learn to use traditional and contemporary production methods when creating confections both by hand and with special equipment.

CREDITS: 3 US credits / 45 contact hours
OFFERED: July Sessions: 1, 3, A, B

This course will prepare students to work, run, and manage a retail shop successfully and provides theoretical insights into customer expectations and service delivery. Throughout the course, standard elements of a retail shop will be analyzed and focus on retail management will be given. This class will strengthen decision-making skills regarding expense planning, suppliers, store layout, and promotional strategies. Under the supervision of seasoned professionals, students will spend a portion of the course operating the school retail spaces (fashion retail store, restaurant, pastry shop) that are open to the local community. Here, theoretical knowledge, shop floor management skills, and ability to perform head office functions will all be developed in the context of retail. In order to offer a comprehensive view of retail management, experiential learning activities are scheduled in varying types of retailers, each of them characterized by different competitors, products sold, customers, and style of service required. This class includes experiential learning with CEMI.

CREDITS: 3 US credits / 45 contact hours
OFFERED: July Sessions: 1, A

This course presents the specific structural and phenomenological aspects of the various types of mafia operating in Italy and internationally. Topics analyze contemporary criminal, social, cultural, and political features of mafia-related groups and explore traditional and emerging illegal markets. The course describes main Italian and international law policies and legislations to contrast this type of organized crime and the experiences of leading individuals and groups developing a culture of legality to combat the mafia.

CREDITS: 3 US credits / 45 contact hours
OFFERED: July Sessions: 1, A

Pre-requisite: Baking Techniques I or equivalent.

This course provides students with fundamental working knowledge of the traditional methods of production for cookies and basic petit fours. The course will explore the preparation and design of cookies and mignardises ranging from Italian traditional cookies and biscuits to international specialties. Topics covered include mixing and make-up methods as well as shaping, baking, filling, finishing and storing. The course will also provide an introduction to petit fours production, with a focus on the description and service of petit fours and basic production techniques. Upon completion of the course students will be confident in choosing the most appropriate cookie for each occasion.

CREDITS: 3 US credits / 45 contact hours
OFFERED: July Sessions: 2, A

This course provides an introduction to the theory, methods, and challenges of corporate finance. The main focus is on financing decisions and investment. The following topics are addressed: risk and return, asset markets and market efficiency, valuation, capital structure, capital budgeting, dividend policy, and derivative securities. Some consideration will also be given to financial management issues that multinational firms face, with an emphasis on the effects of currency denomination on financial decisions.

CREDITS: 3 US credits / 45 contact hours
OFFERED: July Sessions: 1, A

Pre-requisite: Baking Techniques I or equivalent.

The aim of the course is to give students the fundamentals of dessert presentation. Starting from fruit cutting skills, students will experience a variety of decoration techniques to be applied to mignons, single portion and tortes. Glazes and gelees, buttercream, whipped cream, icings, chocolate and caramel decorations will be explained and then practiced to gain confidence with the related techniques. Students will experience both classic and contemporary decoration methods, ranging from piping skills to the application of dedicated equipment for royal-icing writing. By the end of the course students will be able to execute the most common decorating and styling techniques and develop their own personal decoration style.

CREDITS: 3 US credits / 45 contact hours
OFFERED: July Sessions: 4, B

Pre-requisite: Introduction to Marketing.

20th and 21st century development has witnessed the evolution and revolution in business communication. The birth of the web was the inspiration that led to a different form of interaction and engagement between companies and customers, such as a growing customer participation in the creation and development of the business image. This course features web marketing that is based on practices and principles applicable to all sectors and is also suitable for the small and medium-sized enterprises who were previously cut off from traditional mass media promotion for budget reasons. The web will be considered beyond the concept of sites and focus substantially on the social networks. The social aspect of marketing communication online is a striking feature of the web today, where engagement and conversations occur not only between customers but also between companies and customers to stimulate the most powerful communication tool: word of mouth.

CREDITS: 3 US credits / 45 contact hours
OFFERED: July Sessions: 1, A

The primary purpose of this course is to provide marketers with an in-depth understanding of product development practices including innovation, product strategy and processes, customer needs, identification, idea generation, concept development and optimization, forecasting, and launch. The course will analyze the marketing development strategies of new entrepreneurial companies with low budgets and little or no brand development. An important component of the coursework features hands-on approaches to real-life business problems that require application of topics learned in the classroom. Students will be introduced to highly creative and effective experiential forms of learning ranging from case studies to business plans, entrepreneurs in the classroom, conducting entrepreneurial audits, working with concepts of marketing inventions, and consulting projects. Furthermore, students will be part of a dedicated lab team of cross-disciplinary learners led by faculty and advisers, and will collaborate with executives and representatives from real companies on comprehensive business issues. Coursework includes site visits to local companies and special guest lectures from local prominent entrepreneurs.

CREDITS: 3 US credits / 45 contact hours
OFFERED: January / July Sessions: 1, 3, A, B

This course addresses the procedures involved in managing a fashion retail enterprise and the decision-making inherent in successful merchandising for smaller-scale stores. Knowledge will be acquired through lab practice gained by running a real enterprise in which students and professionals exchange their knowledge and propose successful solutions to be applied. Coursework includes site visits to well-known Italian luxury brands in Florence such as Ferragamo, Gucci, and Cavalli (companies may change according to availability), and special guest lectures from local prominent emerging designers.

CREDITS: 3 US credits / 45 contact hours
OFFERED: July Sessions: 1, A

This course introduces a fundamental area of study in the hospitality industry. Students will study the concepts and procedures of food and beverage control systems, cost control, operating budgets, and the effective management of food and beverage operations and cycles. Cost calculation, menu planning, storage, receiving, profit and budget forecasting, labor costs, service payment systems, and other topic-specific areas will be covered. This class includes experiential learning with CEMI.

CREDITS: 3 US credits / 45 contact hours
OFFERED: July Sessions: A

This course is targeted towards students who are interested in the Italian traditions and the pivotal role that Italy has played in the evolution of food and wine culture. Italy is in fact the oldest wine-producing nation in the world where grapes are grown in almost every region of the country. This course will consider and analyze the various influences and cultural overlaps that this ancient tradition has brought to contemporary Italian culture. The course will also feature an Italian language component in order to better understand and appreciate the elements of contemporary Italian culture which will be discussed during the course. This course includes an Italian language component for beginning-level students and field learning activities. Field learning is a method of educating through first-hand experience. Skills, knowledge, and experience are acquired outside of the traditional academic classroom setting and may include field activities, field research, and service learning projects. The field learning experience is cultural because it is intended to be wide-reaching, field-related content is not limited to the course subject but seeks to supplement and enrich academic topics. Students will have the opportunity to integrate theory and practice while experiencing Italian culture, art, and community within the Italian territory. Faculty will lead students in experiencing Italian culture through guided projects and field experiences as planned for the course. Field learning will be developed through classroom preparation, follow up projects, and guided learning outcomes. Field learning will provide students with the opportunity to develop skills and appreciate the multifold components of Italian Culture through direct experience. Field education will advance student learning as a relationship-centered process.

CREDITS: 6 US credits / 90 contact hours
OFFERED: July Sessions: A, B

This course is targeted towards students who are interested in the Italian traditions and the pivotal role that Italy has played in the evolution of food and wine culture. Italy is in fact the oldest wine-producing nation in the world where grapes are grown in almost every region of the country. This course will consider and analyse the various influences and cultural overlaps that this ancient tradition has brought to contemporary Italian culture. The course will also feature an Italian language component in order to better understand and appreciate the elements of contemporary Italian culture which will be discussed during the course.

This class includes field learning hours. Field learning is a method of educating through first-hand experience. Skills, knowledge, and experience are acquired outside of the traditional academic classroom setting and may include field activities, field research, and service learning projects. The field learning experience is cultural because it is intended to be wide-reaching, field-related content is not limited to the course subject but seeks to supplement and enrich academic topics. Students will have the opportunity to integrate theory and practice while experiencing Italian culture, art, and community within the Italian territory. Faculty will lead students in experiencing Italian culture through guided projects and field experiences as planned for the course. Field learning will be developed through classroom preparation, follow up projects, and guided learning outcomes. Field learning will provide students with the opportunity to develop skills and appreciate the multifold components of Italian Culture through direct experience. Field education will advance student learning as a relationship-centred process.

This course includes an Italian language component for beginning language students + 90 field learning hours.

CREDITS: 3 US credits / 45 contact hours
OFFERED: January / July Sessions: 3, B

The front of house area of any restaurant should be carefully planned in order to balance ambiance with function. Restaurant seating, wait stations, and waiting areas are just a few of the areas to consider when planning a restaurant dining room. The course focuses on all aspects that characterize the front of the house experience. Emphasis is placed on the importance of the front of the house to properly reflect the restaurant concept and the necessity of planning front of the house spaces for efficiency. Furthermore, the course considers the pivotal role of excellent customer service and the training methods of front of the house staff.

CREDITS: 3 US credits / 45 contact hours
OFFERED: July Sessions: 4, B

This course investigates the pillars of information security and risk analysis, providing students with the technical and linguistic skills necessary to understand how cyber threats and vulnerabilities are controlled and mitigated by state and non-state actors. Students will become familiar with the political, social, and economic governance of cyberspace, while exploring notions such as security, privacy, transparency, and confidentiality. The exploration of methods employed for information security, such as encryption, will be assessed in relation to ethical considerations. The course comprises the analysis of a variety of case-studies to allow students to interlink theory and practice, and envision the dynamics and impacts of cybersecurity on real-life scenarios.

CREDITS: 3 US credits / 45 contact hours
OFFERED: July Sessions: 3, B

Pre-requisite: Baking Techniques I or equivalent.

Students will study the history and background of various national and regional desserts starting from a focus on the most important and typical Italian ingredients. Special attention will be paid to a detailed analysis of DOP and IGP products that are traditionally used in Italian pastry and their fundamental role for the identity of Italian cakes and tarts. The course will cover the origin of classical desserts and eventual variations from classical methods. Students will study a variety of doughs, batters, fillings and glazes with an emphasis on a thorough understanding of the techniques and proper skills for the execution of classic Italian desserts.

Chef uniform (white chef jacket, chef pants, white apron, white chef hat, kitchen safety shoes) required for this course.

CREDITS: 3 US credits / 45 contact hours
OFFERED: July Sessions: 2, A

Prerequisites: Baking Techniques I or equivalent.

Since it was invented, sugar has played a fundamental role in the evolution of pastry as we know it today. Its intriguing and complex chemistry is by far one of the most significant challenges of pastry arts. This course revolves around this fundamental pastry art ingredient, sugar, and its applications in confectionery. Students will experience a full-immersion in the world of sugar, sugar preserves and small pastry decorations. Lessons will focus on the chemistry of sugars, on the suitable sugars for different types of preparations, and on traditional and contemporary confectionery art. Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to produce marmalade and jams, chutneys and Italian mostarda, candied fruits and fruits preserved in syrup. Emphasis will be placed on candies and caramelized fruit production, sugared nuts (pralines) and a wide variety of torrone (nougat).

CREDITS: 3 US credits / 45 contact hours
OFFERED: July Sessions: 1, A

This course presents an exploration of food and wine pairing. The topic goes beyond a classic approach to pairing by demystifying the terminology and the methodology of matching wine and food. Whether preparing a meal at home or ordering at a restaurant, students gain an enhanced knowledge of pairing that can create a harmony and synergy between wine and food, which ultimately leads to a sublime connection of the mind, mouth, memories, and experiences. Particular focus will be given to the Italian cultural approach through wine tastings from the major wine areas paired with classic Italian recipes.

CREDITS: 3 US credits / 45 contact hours
OFFERED: July Sessions: 4, B

Pre-requisite: Culinary Arts Majors only. The Science of Cooking: An Introduction to Molecular Cuisine, or equivalent.

The course is divided into three phases and explores stimulating applications of contemporary cuisine. Precision cooking and texture development apply the latest scientific discoveries to food production and may require special instruments for the achievement of specific results. This course focuses on techniques that can be available in a professional environment and allow chefs to development their creativity in order to reach new and sometimes unexpected results.

  • Phase 1, Temperature Application: This phase explores the possible applications in which precise and specific temperatures play a fundamental role. The microbiology as well as the sanitation practices for precision and low temperature cooking will be covered, with a complete overview of contemporary methods, equipment, and procedures used in contemporary kitchens and in food production labs. Special emphasis will be placed on sous-vide cooking through the use of the immersion circulator, applications of liquid nitrogen for different purposes other than freezing, stimulating effects of carbonation on food flavor perception, and the application of frozen food processing with the Pacojet food processor.
  • Phase 2, Gels and Thickening Agents: This phase examines how contemporary chefs and food technologists use ingredients in ways that earlier generations would have never imagined. Topics will analyze the increasing use of ingredients such as thickening and gelling agents in order to create sauces with unexpectedly smooth textures, hot and cold gels, firm coating gels, and methylcellulose gels. With the support of a chemist, specific additives will be evaluated, discussed, and tested.
  • Phase 3, Gases and Air-Based Preparations: This phase focuses on contemporary techniques of texture changes obtained by incorporating specific gases into foods in order to modify familiar textures, improve presentation methods, and serve unusual and contemporary dishes. Items such as foams, froth, and puffed snacks will be analyzed. Students will examine and test diverse types of foams, both hot and cold with different foaming agents from animal and vegetable sources, as well as learn how to produce light foams, thick fine-textured foams, textured snacks, airs, and froths.

This course includes experiential learning hours with our Community Engagement Member Institutions (CEMI).

CREDITS: 3 US credits / 45 contact hours
OFFERED: July Sessions: 4, B

Pre-requisite: Baking Techniques II: Italian Pastry Techniques or equivalent.

This course explores stimulating applications of both classic and contemporary pastry techniques to pastry shop and a la carte restaurant production. The program focuses on three main topics: the use of freezing temperatures through a survey of the possible applications in which cold temperatures and the balance of ingredients play a fundamental role; handling fresh and seasonal fruits in pastry production; the increasing use of ingredients such as thickening and gelling agents in order to create products with unexpectedly smooth textures, a wide variety of gels and contemporary mousses, and pastry applications of molecular gastronomy. Through this experience students will have the possibility to understand the role of specific ingredients in the production of ices in order to serve frozen desserts with a perfect balance between texture and temperature. The course will disclose all the secrets of pastry arts classics like semifreddo, bomba gelato, parfait and bon bons. Special emphasis will be placed on the uses of liquid nitrogen for different purposes other than freezing, stimulating effects of carbonation on food flavor perception, and the application of frozen food processing with the Pacojet food processor. The course offers a full-immersion in the pastry lab production with an important focus on techniques that can be available in a professional environment and allow pastry chefs to develop their creativity in order to reach new unexpected results.

CREDITS: 3 US credits / 45 contact hours
OFFERED: July Sessions: 2, A

This course examines the problems of the financial structures of restaurant management, in parallel with the objectives and techniques of the individual owner. The planning and decision-making tools available to managers in an organization and comparison between single or partnership managements will be discussed. Personnel organization and food preparation plans will be covered. The course is based on a double approach, combining theory and practice: students will be introduced to the basics of restaurant management and will be given the opportunity to discuss their ideas and questions with selected professionals who are successfully running their restaurant businesses in Florence. Extensive site visits to local restaurants be organized. This class includes experiential learning with CEMI.

CREDITS: 3 US credits / 45 contact hours
OFFERED: July Sessions: 4, B

Pre-requisite: Two semesters of Culinary Arts coursework or equivalent.

Forty years after the first appearance of Molecular Gastronomy, Chefs’ approach to food has dramatically changed. Gastronomists and food historians talk about the last great food revolution of our times; the movement that changed the way we perceive food and started to stimulate new questions and give interesting answers to those that want to enhance their food knowledge. Since then cooking has taken a great step forward, opening paths once impossible to even think about. This course is aimed at non-scientific students who wish to approach the world of scientific application toward cooking and want to improve their knowledge of cooking techniques. A scientist and a Chef will alternate teaching the course giving both technical information and practical suggestions. Students will learn cutting edge techniques to create new textures and amazing effects.

CREDITS: 3 US credits / 45 contact hours
OFFERED: July Sessions: 2, A

Pre-requisite: Tradition of Italian Food I or equivalent.

The survey of the most representative Italian preparations and ingredients continues as well as a deep analysis and application of Italian cuisine. Traditional preparations, characterizing ingredients and culinary movements will be fully covered during this course. The aim of this course is also to give students a complete overview of Italian cuisine evolution through the knowledge of XIX and XX century cultural influences such as futurism, nouvelle cuisine and present day innovations. This course is meant to help students understand the current Italian culinary trends as a continuous evolution of the different regional cooking traditions. The course will include an overview of the major Italian cuisine chefs styles and how they contributed to the mentioned evolution thanks to creativity and knowledge. Students will learn how to compose a menu in order to express a cooking philosophy and will also experience Italian fine dining standards through the practical application of learned concepts. This class includes experiential learning with CEMI.

CREDITS: 3 US credits / 45 contact hours
OFFERED: July Sessions: 2, A

The course will introduce students to the outstanding richness of the Tuscan wine tradition. Wine typologies representative of the region will be considered throughout the course, which focuses particularly on a detailed study of the most important wine production areas in Tuscany. A general introduction to wine appreciation will be featured along with the analysis of select Tuscan wines and their specific characteristics.

CREDITS: 3 US credits / 45 contact hours
OFFERED: July Sessions: 4, B

This course has been designed to provide students with an in-depth knowledge of the main wine producing countries of the Old World as France, Spain, Germany, Austria, Portugal, Hungary, Greece, Slovenia and of course Italy. Students will be guided across Europe to discover the principal wine areas and native grape varieties, with a specific focus on the cultural heritage and winemaking tradition that belong to each country. Course topics include the different appellation systems, soil characteristics, and basics of winemaking process. The course also offers an introduction to wine tasting in order to better understand the original features of the wines from each country.

CREDITS: 20 UK credits
OFFERED: Session 1

This module is rich in theory from consumer studies, psychology and sociology explaining why consumers behave the way they do and how marketers can use this information. Both customer and organisational decision-making processes are explored.

CREDITS: 20 UK credits
OFFERED: Session 2

This module explores London and its criminal areas from the earliest times; changing nature of London criminal ‘underworld’ from modernity to late modernity; notorious criminal families as well as colourful underworld characters will be explored. Finally, the emergence of specialised law enforcement agencies to deal with this newly discovered threat will also be considered.

CREDITS: 20 UK credits
OFFERED: Session 1

This module gives an overview of the marketing function and some insight into its practice and associated ethical issues. Examining the range of uses of marketing in different types of organisations, students become familiar with investigating the overall socio-economic and business contexts in which marketers operate. The module introduces themes that will be developed in subsequent modules, such as consumer and organisational buyer behaviour and some of the ‘tools’ available to marketers.

CREDITS: 20 UK credits
OFFERED: Session 2

The module offers students the opportunity to learn how the global economies work and the general context in which the business organisations operate. The students will analyse the purpose, structures and ethical and environmental constraints faced by organisations across different industries. At the same time students will study the cultural differences within and between business organisations and as part of learning process will develop research, teamwork and communication skills.

CREDITS: 20 UK credits
OFFERED: Session 2

Creating and managing successful brands is a source of competitive advantage to modern organizations. This module provides students with the fundamental understanding of brands, brand positioning and brand portfolio management. It engages students by practical demonstration of the effective use of marketing and branding tools. At the heart of an effective brand strategy, is its seamless integration with the marketing mix. A successful brand plan does not only address how the brand will be communicated but also how it will be protected.

Site visits: Students will visit the Museum of Brands and the Peckham Market. Note: these visits are subject to change.

CREDITS: 4 US Credits
OFFERED: Session A

Essentials of contracts, agency, partnerships, corporations, and other select areas of law in a business environment.

CREDITS: 4 US Credits
OFFERED: Session A

Examination of role of business in mitigating environmental degradation and incentives to be more environmentally responsive. Emphasis on corporate strategies that deliver value to shareholders while responding to environmental concerns.

CREDITS: 4 US Credits
OFFERED: Session A

Lecture, four hours. Study of entrepreneurial communication from foundations in internal and external communication and development of data analysis, interpretation, and presentational skills utilized in existing, as well as in development of, contemporary innovative businesses. P/NP or letter grading.

CREDITS: 4 US Credits
OFFERED: Session A

Lecture, three hours; discussion, one hour. Introduction to key concepts of entrepreneurship, including new product development, finance, business plan development, and technology commercialization. Basic tools and personal characteristics required for entrepreneurship. Terminology used by lawyers, accountants, venture capitalists, and other investors when forming and financing new companies to be developed as startups, spinouts from existing company, or acquisitions of existing company (or its assets). Assessment of feasibility of business concept and communication of concept to potential investors, employees, and business partners. Discussion of technology feasibility, intellectual property, and licensing. Letter grading.

CREDITS: 4 US Credits
OFFERED: Session A

Lecture, three hours; discussion, one hour. Requisite: course 101. Theory of income, employment, and price level. Analysis of secular growth and business fluctuations; introduction to monetary and fiscal policy. P/NP or letter grading.

CREDITS: 4 US Credits
OFFERED: Session A

Introduction to financial accounting principles, including preparation and analysis of financial transactions and financial statements. Valuation and recording of asset-related transactions, including cash, receivables, marketable securities, inventories, and long-lived assets. Current liabilities.

CREDITS: 4 US Credits
OFFERED: Session A

Introduction to principles of economic analysis, economic institutions, and issues of economic policy. Emphasis on allocation of resources and distribution of income through price system.

CREDITS: 7.5 ECTS credits / 36 contact hours

The aim of the course is to familiarise students with applications of psychology to the legal system and to raise awareness about the problems that arise when psychology is applied to law in practice.

In the course of 3 weeks, students will take part in an intensive educational program that covers the most important topics in the field of Forensic Psychology. During the course four main themes within the field of forensic psychology will be addressed.

  1. Eyewitness memory, which consists of eyewitness identification and (false) memories.
  2. Interviewing and interrogation. Within this topic,the students learn about police interrogation techniques, deception detection and (false) confessions.
  3. Cognitive biases in the legal context. Students will get acquainted with the interpretation and reliability of forensic evidence and the role of biases in experts’ decisions.
  4. Association of mental illness and crime. Within this topic students will examine the psychopathic mind and the psychology of sex offenders.

Different case studies, tools and experiments will be discussed in order to allow the students to get acquainted with the methods used in this discipline. In each tutorial, research articles and case material descriptions related to a theme will be studied and discussed. The examination will consist of question-based tests taken throughout the course, a final symposium where students will present and discuss topics related to Forensic Psychology and a final paper.

CREDITS: 10 UK credits (24 contact hours + independent study & full-day excursion)
OFFERED: Session 2

This module is designed to introduce students to the subject of Criminology through the lens of the Scottish Criminal Justice System. The module begins with an overview of the Scottish Criminal Justice System before examining the major avenues by which the public obtain information about crime – as victims of crime and from the media and official statistics. The module examines the processes that have developed our definitions of crime and the broader social and political context in which this crime occurs. In addition to this, the course provides the opportunity for students to engage in discussion with a Scottish Prison Service Warden, allowing a deeper understanding of punishment in Scotland and the incarceration of offenders.

Excursion(s): This module includes a visit to the Surgeon’s Hall in Edinburgh to discuss the criminal case of Burke and Hare, and the inspiration for Arthur Conan Doyle’s famous detective, Sherlock Holmes.

CREDITS: 10 UK credits (24 contact hours + independent study & full-day excursion)
OFFERED: Session 1

As Scotland’s University of Sporting Excellence, the University of Stirling is the perfect place to learn about the integration of culture, management and sport. The aim of this module is to teach you about how sport is managed in Scotland and in the UK mode widely, and about how it is incorporated into the thread of Scottish culture. The module will include a mixture of lectures and seminars accompanied by academic field trips, providing you with an understanding that sport is influenced by cultural traditions, social values and economic factors.

CREDITS: 4 Japanese credits (3 US credits) / 45 contact hours
OFFERED: July Session 2

This course has an introductory characteristic and with a special focus on Japanese management style. In this course you will learn: how historical, social and cultural patterns affect the management practices of Japanese organisations; how other factors, such as the legal, political/governmental, economic and technological system, socio-cultural factors enable Japanese companies to operate successfully in an international business context; how Japanese companies develop strategies for international operations; how to improve cross-cultural communication and negotiation skills in an East-meets-West setting.

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