Empowering Student’s Voices: CISaustralia’s Ambassador Program

April 2024

Empowering Student’s Voices: CISaustralia’s Ambassador Program

In January 2024, CISaustralia embarked on an exciting journey by launching our Ambassador Program. With six exceptional students, each representing a distinct January Study Program, the initiative aimed to amplify student voices, foster institutional engagement, and enrich the learning abroad experience. This article celebrates the commence of the Ambassador Program and highlights the impact it has made within the CISaustralia community.

Curating an Experience Beyond a Program

While the Ambassador Program now has more structure and substance then ever before, CISaustralia has been providing a platform for students to share their journeys since 2014! From crafting unique videos to Instagram takeovers and beyond, we’ve consistently showcased the diverse experiences of our students. (Explore our Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube Channel for the historical 169 videos on record!)

Our decision to create an Ambassador Program was fueled by exceptional students extending beyond their overseas experiences. Beyond the immediate on-site experience, we wanted to emphasise that the benefits of learning abroad endure far beyond the duration of the program, leaving a lasting impact that accompanies individuals throughout their lives. Thus, our Ambassadorship initiative was born, amplifying their voices and imparting tangible skills gleaned from their adventures for various aspects of their lives.

These Ambassadors not only embarked on incredible journeys but also shared their experiences with authenticity and enthusiasm. Through the Ambassador Program, they enriched their lives and inspired others to pursue learning abroad. Check out their commentary and creative outlets showcasing their experiences.

  1. Blog Post from Acorn Holmes
  2. Short Slideshow from Valentina Mansour
  3. 10 Seconds of a Life in London by Kean Khoo
  4. Video Montage by Kayla Stevens








Adventure Awaits

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