Global Learning Made Possible: Australia’s OS-HELP Program

March 2024

Global Learning Made Possible: Australia’s OS-HELP Program

In an increasingly interconnected world, the Australian Government recognises the importance of international experiences in shaping well-rounded individuals and fostering global perspectives. To support Australian students seeking educational opportunities abroad, the government offers OS-HELP (Overseas Higher Education Loan Program). This initiative aims to alleviate the financial burden associated with learning abroad and encourages students to explore the world while pursuing their academic goals. In 2023 95%+ of all CISaustralia programs (VOL, WIL, Virtual, Study, Study Tours) could be completely funded by OS-HELP.

Understanding OS-HELP

OS-HELP is a financial assistance program designed to help eligible Australian students with the costs of undertaking some of their studies overseas. This support comes in the form of a loan that helps cover airfares, accommodation, and other associated costs. The program is available for Australian University students (upon meeting certain criteria) who wish to broaden their academic horizons through international experiences.

Key Features of OS-HELP

  • Loan Amount:
    • As of 2024, students can access up to A$10,767 for each study period. There are three key amounts that can be granted for OS-HELP and relate to the country and program in which students undertake their learning abroad program.
      • Countries Outside Asia: Up to A$7,921
      • Countries Inside Asia:  Up to A$9,504
      • Undertaking an Asian Language Program: Up to A$1,263
    • The loan is paid directly to the student, allowing them to manage their finances while studying abroad.
  • Eligibility:
    • To qualify for OS-HELP, students must meet certain eligibility criteria, including being an Australian citizen or holding an Australian permanent humanitarian visa.
    • Students must also be earning academic credit from their program abroad towards their degree – whether that is a discipline specific subject or an elective course.
    • The program is generally available to full-time students enrolled in a higher education course and have completed at least one equivalent full-time academic year of study.
    • The are additional criteria to consider and we suggest to click here for the full OS-HELP eligibility.
    • OS-HELP eligibility criteria and application processes have been very stable for many years, however, these can change, so it is important to carefully review the latest information.
  • Repayment:
    • OS-HELP loans are a form of financial assistance, not a grant. Repayment begins through the Australian tax system once the student’s income reaches a certain threshold.
    • The loan is interest-free, making it a more accessible option for students who wish to experience international education without the immediate financial strain.
  • Approved Courses and Institutions:
    • OS-HELP is available for students undertaking part of their course overseas, including semester-based and short-term learning abroad programs.

Application Process

Applying for OS-HELP involves a straightforward process, and students are encouraged to work closely with their education provider’s i.e. Australian University, international office. The key steps include:

  • Eligibility Check:
    • Students should confirm their eligibility by reviewing the criteria outlined by the Australian Government.
  • Application Submission:
    • Once eligibility is confirmed, students can submit their OS-HELP application through their education provider’s online system.
  • Approval and Disbursement:
    • After a successful application, the loan is approved, and the funds are disbursed directly to the student.

OS-HELP is a valuable initiative by the Australian Government, providing a financial lifeline for students aspiring to gain international exposure through education. OS-HELP is amongst the leading international education funding mechanisms in the world and pre-COVID was one of critical enablers to why just under 60,000 Australian University students (approx. 25% of the UG graduating cohort) went abroad in 2019. By easing the financial burden associated with studying overseas, OS-HELP empowers students to embrace diverse learning environments, broaden their cultural understanding, and develop skills crucial for success in an interconnected global society. Students are encouraged to explore this opportunity and embark on a transformative educational journey beyond their home borders.

Adventure Awaits

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